Boons and Banes of Crypto Currency
If until early 2017 you’ve never known of Bitcoin, you’re in bulk. Bitcoin, a “virtual currency” invented a person or persons using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, rose from around $1,000 per Bitcoin in early 2017 to just under $20,000 mid-December.
And then, on December 22, Bitcoin, along with just about every other digital asset (generally called “cryptocurrency”) collapsed badly, missing about 30 percent of its value (at its highest level, costing just under $12,000) with crypto revolt review.
What makes Bitcoin unique is that for its development, use, and price, it depends entirely on electronic computing. No state, central bank, or financial institution gets connected with it. Crypto revolt review only occurs as information on a decentralized, global computer network. It is entirely unregulated–and this is likely the most critical stage for the current discussion.
Computers “mine “–or create–Bitcoin solving the complex algorithms that govern the transactional validity of the cryptocurrency, preventing the spending of any Bitcoin more than once. It gets reported that the shadowy Nakamoto, whoever he, she, or they are, owns about 980,000 Bitcoins, worth about $13.7 billion at present value, placing him / her among the fifty wealthiest people in the world. Not suitable for the inventor of an intangible priced at five cents each initially.
Bitcoin has drawn the imagination of more and more people and companies since its humble beginnings, and it is starting to see real use as a currency for online transactions and a foundation for insane financial speculation, as indicated above. You can use Bitcoin to qualify for an Expedia journey, buy a dry beer at a Sydney, Australia bar, buy a Dell computer, or store on for furniture, jewelry, or home decor. Some custodians even allow you to bring Bitcoin into your IRA.
So, why doesn’t everybody own Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency? Well, there are a couple of helpful explanations. Perhaps most crucial is the one already stated: there is currently no overarching regulation of operations or trading in cryptocurrency.
Most countries around the globe and central banks are researching the problem (see, for instance, latest remarks from US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on “worry” about the use of Bitcoin for “illegal transfer of money”). The IRS advised how to treat different kinds of Bitcoin operations for tax reasons. But the present regulatory scarcity implies cryptocurrency transactions are susceptible to manipulation, such as insider trading
Second, due to its decentralized and entirely digital design (one of its main benefits, the manner, according to its designers), cryptocurrency may be susceptible to advanced hackers and other kinds of internet criminals, as evidenced cyber attacks on a South Korean monetary return that compelled it to shut its gates.
Finally (and there are likely other dangers connected with cryptocurrency that we have not yet fully understood), everyone should acknowledge that this technology is still evolving. Like anything this new, the cryptocurrency ecosystem could take a multitude of different directions, each of which would have very different effects on the value.

I’m a highly respected and well-known author in the cryptocurrency field. I have been writing about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital assets for over 5 years which has made me one of the most knowledgeable voices in the space. My work has appeared in major publications such as CoinDesk, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to my writing, I’m also an active investor and advisor in the cryptocurrency space.